Council officers moot new charter to protect residents from construction

Camden Town Hall.
Council officers at Camden Town Hall are proposing a ‘construction management charter’ to protect residents from the impact of new development.
The news came as part of a report into managing the effect of construction across the borough to the Town Hall’s 19 December planning committee.
Camden currently uses construction management plans (CMPs) to oversee new building projects, but the new charter would set out how it uses its powers to manage impacts, as well as explaining what the council can and cannot do to help.
Rob Willis, strategic lead officer for infrastructure and growth, said: “The use of construction management plans has grown in recent years and the level of community interest and concern about construction impacts has also grown. That’s something we’re very aware of.
“We’re currently reviewing our processes, making sure they’re as robust and efficient as they can be. We want to make sure we’re using the right tools and being as effective as we can.
“A charter, or something like it, where we set out, ‘this is how the council as a whole manages construction’, setting it all out in one place and how people can raise concerns and having a single point of contact.”