Posts Tagged ‘Richard Cotton’
Town Hall accused of ‘killing democracy’ as police boot out free speech protesters
Council leader heckled repeatedly over rule changes prohibiting banners and limiting topics of public debate
Read MoreOne in three private landlords in Camden could be flouting ‘additional licensing’ rules, report suggests
Data comes as council outlines plans to deliver more affordable and social rent homes in the borough
Read MoreCamden Council defends controversial licensing plans – as residents complain they ‘favour businesses’
Plans to let night-time venues stay open later were pulled earlier this year following police concerns
Read MoreCouncillor wants volunteer base in Camden to help homeless people ‘at sharp end of worst housing crisis since second world war’
Camden should have a base for voluntary groups offering meals, showers and clothing for the homeless, according to a local politician. Richard Cotton, Camden’s adviser on rough sleeping, suggested the council could provide a building that third-sector organisations could run – if funds allow. He said it could be similar to the Solidarity Hub in…
Read MoreCouncillors warned to avoid social media libel pitfalls
Social media guidelines updated in reminder of borough reps are liable for their accounts even if they do not write tweets themselves
Read MoreGreen light for Green Room bar after noise complaint no-show
‘I’ve never seen this before. It’s really difficult in the absence of the applicant to know what to do,’ councillor says
Read MoreEvacuated Chalcots residents to get a say in Camden’s fire safety inquiry
Cllr Sian Berry says the inquiry could have ‘national significance’
Read MoreOutgoing Camden Mayor celebrates record-breaking fundraising effort
Snappy dresser Cllr Richard Cotton finished his year in the role today after raising almost £45k for a homelessness charity
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